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Configure Klaw with wizard

The first time you log in to Klaw as an administrator, you will see the Klaw configuration wizard that guides you through the steps required to configure the Klaw cluster.


For subsequent logins, you access the Klaw configuration wizard using URL: [https://host:port/helpwizard]


  1. Configure Apache Kafka® clusters

    The first step is to configure your Apache Kafka cluster. You can add any number of clusters. Only users with SUPERADMIN roles (or check allowed permission) can add clusters.

    After adding the cluster, based on the protocol selected (SSL or any other protocol), ensure the Klaw Cluster API's files include the relevant configurations.


  2. Configure Environments

    Environments are wrappers over your Apache Kafka clusters. You can add any number of environments and have multiple environments connected to one Apache Kafka cluster with different settings. Only users with SUPERADMIN roles (or check allowed permission) can add environments by default. Additionally, you can configure the partitions, replication factors, topic prefixes, and suffixes for your Apache Kafka topics under Apache Kafka environments.

  3. Test Apache Kafka connectivity

    After configuring environments, you can test the connection by clicking the validate button.


  4. Configure Tenant and Environment hierarchy

    Klaw is multi-tenant by default. Every tenant has its own set of Apache Kafka environments, and users of one tenant cannot view/access topics, or ACLs from other tenants. To configure tenants, navigate to Dashboard -> Settings, and look for klaw.tenant.config.

    Example :

    "tenantModel": {
    "tenantName": "default",
    "baseSyncEnvironment": "DEV",
    "orderOfTopicPromotionEnvsList": ["DEV"],
    "requestTopicsEnvironmentsList": ["DEV"],
    "baseSyncKafkaConnectCluster": null,
    "orderOfConnectorsPromotionEnvsList": null,
    "requestConnectorsEnvironmentsList": null
  5. Synchronize topics and ACLs

    If you already have a Apache Kafka cluster, you can easily migrate topics and ACLs to Klaw using the Synchronize option. As a SUPERADMIN, you can synchronize topics and ACLs by default. Navigate to Synchronize menu and select Topics from cluster or ACLs from cluster to synchronize the topics or ACLs. You also can synchronize topics individually or with a bulk option, assigning all at a time to one team. Users can synchronize topics from cluster to Klaw with SYNC_TOPICS permission.


  6. Create teams

    After adding clusters and environments, you can create Teams. A team owns topics and is also a collection of users. A user can manage teams with ADD_EDIT_DELETE_TEAMS permission.

  7. Create Users

    Users can be created and assigned to the newly created teams. A user with ADD_EDIT_DELETE_USERS permission or the SUPERADMIN role can add users.

  8. Create any other Roles and Permissions (Optional)

    A role is a collection of permissions defining the tasks a user can perform. Add roles and assign permissions to the added roles. A SUPERADMIN can add roles by default. Other users can add roles with ADD_EDIT_DELETE_ROLES permission.

You are all set now. Your team members can request topics or ACLs and approve requests.