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Connect with Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka® cluster

Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka is a fully managed distributed data streaming platform, deployable in a cloud, maintained by Confluent. This section provides you with information on how to connect Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka cluster with Klaw. The following functionalities are available in Klaw for Confluent Cloud:

  • Create topics
  • Delete topics
  • Create ACLs
  • Delete ACLs
  • Sync topics
  • Sync ACLs



  • Set up the connection between the Klaw APIs (Klaw Core API and Klaw Cluster API), see klaw-core-with-clusterapi. This involves configuring the klaw.clusterapi.url setting in the Klaw UI and testing the connectivity to ensure the two APIs can communicate.
  • Both the Klaw APIs are running on SSL/HTTPS.

Configure and connect using SSL/APIKeys

Follow the steps below to configure and connect to a Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka and Klaw using SSL protocol:

  1. In the Klaw web interface, navigate to Environments, and click Clusters.

  2. On the Clusters page, click Add Cluster.

  3. On the Add Kafka cluster page, enter the following details:

    • Cluster Type: Select Kafka from the drop-down list
    • Cluster Name: Provide a name for the cluster
    • Protocol: Select SSL protocol for your cluster
    • Kafka Flavor: Select Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka as the flavor
    • Bootstrap server: Enter the REST endpoint of your Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka cluster (without https://). Ex:
  4. Click Save.

  5. Add the cluster to the preferred environment. Click Environments from the Environments drop-down menu.

  6. Click Add Environment and enter the details to add your Apache Kafka environment.

  7. Enter an environment name, select the added cluster from the drop-down list, and configure partitions, replication factor, and tenant (set to default).

  8. Copy the Cluster ID from the Clusters page using the copy icon that is available on the right-hand side of each cluster row.

  9. Open the file located in the klaw/cluster-api/src/main/resources directory.

  10. Configure the API key, API secret, URIs to connect to Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka clusters by copying and editing the following lines:

    #Example :
    • Copy the {cluster_id} from the Confluent Cloud portal (Cluster Settings > General > Identification > Cluster ID) and insert into the API URI.
    • Copy the API key/secrets from Confluent Cloud > API Keys.
    • For the lines starting with clusterid, replace clusterid with the Klaw Cluster ID. Save the file.
  11. Re-deploy the Klaw Cluster API with the updated configuration. This will apply the changes and enable Klaw to connect to Confluent Cloud Apache Kafka cluster using APIKey/Secret.